Eduardo Gildenson was born and raised in Mexico City and moved to Dallas, Texas in 2011 for his Master’s Degree in Engineering Management from Southern Methodist University. In 2012, Eduardo started his career in Real Estate at Bradford Commercial R…

Eduardo Gildenson was born and raised in Mexico City and moved to Dallas, Texas in 2011 for his Master’s Degree in Engineering Management from Southern Methodist University. In 2012, Eduardo started his career in Real Estate at Bradford Commercial Real Estate.


Eduardo is a licensed Texas Real Estate Broker and REALTOR® focused on asset and property management in commercial real estate for various assets throughout the US, as well as residential real estate purchases, leases and sales. He has direct experience with capital management, auditing, accounting, tenant relations and building operations. His background is in logistics and supply chain, and is multilingual in Spanish and Hebrew.

When Eduardo gained enough experience as a Real Estate Sales Agent and became a Real Estate Broker in 2017, he was approached by some of his close friends who were looking for their dream houses or for new offices for their businesses. Their previous experiences left them with a negative impression of many Real Estate Agents who missed appointments, went dark on them, and didn’t necessarily fight for their best interest, all while expecting a full commission for not much work. Any type of negotiation of the commission seemed to be an immediate no-no, even though commissions are always negotiable. Specific anti-trust laws (such as the Sherman Antitrust Act) are in place to avoid things like price fixing in Real Estate. Eduardo himself, when looking for a house, would struggle to get Listing Agents to meet him at their properties for a showing. He would explain that he is a Commercial Real Estate Broker and did not have access to the key box system, all to be told that this was the only way to view the desired properties or that he could hire an Agent to represent him. Being a seasoned Real Estate professional, he knew he was capable of doing his own research/analysis and having already found many houses that were of interest to him, he did not see the need to hire an Agent. This was when Eduardo felt identified with the experiences his friends had told him about and saw a need to create something different; he decided to launch Gildenson Real Estate, LLC so that he could have access to see all the houses that he and his friends were interested in. GRE was born with the idea that an Agent should never be a pushy salesman and should always have their clients best interests at heart. GRE Agents would never recommend a client to buy a property that they would not buy themselves, or sell a property for a price that they would not sell it themselves for. At GRE, we take it seriously and are straight shooters. Our reputation is the most important to us.


In this “DIY” (Do-It-Yourself) and ample online resources era, Eduardo feels that many Real Estate Agents have not caught up with our times. GRE understands that many people choose to do their own research about the housing market, and may only need an Agent to assist them evaluating market comps, scheduling house showings and walk them through the actual technicalities about purchasing a home to ensure a smooth closing while providing assistance and guidance throughout the process. The same applies for when you are ready to list your home or even if you want to rent. GRE is a firm believer that an Agent can, and always should, work jointly with their client if their client wants to participate, in as few or as many stages of their dream home search and purchase, and as such, creatively evaluates each case to allow for a win-win situation, while always putting the client interests first and provide a great level of customer service.

Gildenson Real Estate is a full brokerage and property management firm, both for residential and commercial properties.

Over the years, Gildenson Real Estate has grown in a very organic way, relying mostly on word of mouth and referrals for getting new clients and adding like minded individuals to the team, both for Commercial and Residential properties. Reach out to us today and give us an opportunity to become your best partner for all of your Real Estate needs!